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Ben Pastor Lockdown Q&A

Ben Pastor - The Road to Ithaca
My Italian husband and I are staying in our old home in the hills just south of the Po river, a rolling countryside about one hour and half from Milan. This is, as everyone knows, the region of northern Italy most severely affected by coronavirus. In total lockdown, self-isolation is very strict.

Ben Pastor Interview April 2020

Ben Pastor - The Horseman's Song


Q&A April 2020

How are these surreal days influencing your normal writing process?

 Interesting question. For the first two-three weeks, like most everyone else, I was glued to the Web and the TV, trying to understand what was going on in the world, especially as my daughter lives across the ocean in Vermont. Little by little, I realized there’s a risk in becoming obsessed with the latest news, many of which are incidentally unreliable. So I went back to writing. In The Gypsy Synagogue, my protagonist Martin Bora finds himself under siege in Stalingrad with the Sixth German Army. 

Essay by Ben Pastor on 'Knight, Death, and the Devil, Or: How to Help Your Protagonist Save His Soul'

Ben Pastor - Liar Moon

ESSAY for The Life Sentence 

Knight, Death, and the Devil, Or: How to Help Your Protagonist Save His Soul BY BEN PASTOR