What's New » Havana Red

The latest news about our gripping crime fiction, thrillers and mysteries, detective books, crime stories and page-turning books.

Peter Bush about translating Havana Red

Leonardo Padura - Havana Red

Peter Bush, award-winning translator from Spanish and Catalan, about the challenges of translating Havana Red, the first in Leonardo Padura’s Havana Quartet.

Leonardo Padura awarded Princess of Asuturias Prize

Leonardo Padura - Havana Red

Padura was awarded the Princess of Asturias award  for literature, the Spanish equivalent of the Nobel prize, on October 23. Previous winners include Arthur Miller, Philip Roth, Ismail Kadare and Amin Maalouf. Padura is best known for his crime fiction series featuring Havana police inspector Mario Conde. Bitter Lemon is the proud publisher of the English language editions of these novels and of The Man Who Loved Dogs, Padura's masterpiece about Trotsky and his assassin Mercader.